These petitions need to be signed asap!!!!!!!!!!

Child Safety Program Potrays Wolves In A Negative Manner!

Stop Aerial Gunning of Wolves in Alaska

Stop the Aerial Slaughter of Alaska's Wolves!

Make sure the Ontario government keeps its promise to the wolves and to you!

support strong federal protections for wolves

Trappers Threaten Survival of Celebrated Denali Wolf Pack

Help Bring Kei the Wolf Home

Bush Gives Top Wildlife Protection Job to Trophy Hunter

Black Foot Wolf's Den


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We need your help by signing petitions and writing!
Weither it be snail mail or email.
Remember it's up to us and our children to speak, for our brothers and sisters .
We are their voices and Hope !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The greatest wolf massacre since the 1950's is now underway in Alaska. Governor Frank Murkowski has reinstated the barbaric practice of aerial gunning. Marksmen can gun down wolves from the air that are easy targets against the fallen snow. Or they can run the wolves to exhaustion, then land and shoot them point blank.

Murkowski's Board of Game has already approved the killing of over 1,000 wolves. They are likely to increase that number dramatically next year.

The Federal Airborne Hunting Act was enacted by Congress to stop such aerial gunning. Defenders has formally petitioned Interior Secretary Gale Norton to enforce this law and halt the wolf killing in Alaska. To date she's refused to act.

Please add your voice and call upon her to act today!


Anchorage, AK - The remaining members of the invaluable Toklat pack will continue to struggle for survival unless Alaska wildlife officials provide emergency protections by expanding a small no hunting and trapping buffer zone around Denali National Park, according to Defenders of Wildlife. 

Save The Toklat Wolf Pack
